But before I do that I think its important to briefly touch on what I believe an MVP actually is, since different people have different criteria when deciding things like this.

Some people believe it should be the best player on the best team. Others believe that it is an individual award, not a team award, so team success should not play a huge factor in deciding, Im kind of in the middle...While I definitely understand the logic behind the "its an individual award, not a team award" argument, I can't 100% agree with it, if you have a player with video game stats but is not on a playoff contender you have to ask the question, How valuable are they? Its the Most Valuable Player award! Not the best player/best stats award...if it was DeMarcus Cousins would surely be in the conversation as well? But in my opinion you can't make a legitimate argument for him because, despite his highly impressive individual season, his team isn't going to make the post season.
Lastly, without deliberately sounding like ESPN and saying LeBron's name just because he's LeBron. I think he is easily the best player in the world but he just isn't one of the leading contenders this season. Its been well documented that over the first half of the season for whatever reason he was't playing to his usual high standard and his heart didn't appear to be completely in it! That may seem a little harsh, since his 'below average' is still pretty damn good
But to me almost half a season is to much to ignore despite his amazing form over the second half of the year.
Stay tuned
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